
Eclipse Remote Systems FTP issues

June 18, 2012

I recently installed Nodeclipse for developing Node.js. Nice little editor with some code hinting and quick Node run command.

Due to my development requirements (and laziness) I wanted to work with the remote JS files using FTP. Nodeclipse does not support FTP out of the box. Enter “Remote System Explorer” for Eclipse.

The plugin installed easily. I entered my connection details. The console started showing my connection status and directory listings. However, attempting to explore the FTP site resulted in a generic “file system input or output error” and/or “”.

After some searching I found that the issue actually lies with the underlying Java VM used by Eclipse (Nodeclipse). I’d upgraded to JRE7 and there seems to be a bug in this release that causes an incompatibility with Eclipse.

I changed my shortcut to force Nodeclipse to use an install of JRE6 BIN folder.

eclipse.exe -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin"

NOTE: Ensure you are using the appropriate architecture (32-bit OR 64-bit) when matching JRE6 to Eclipse


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An information technology professional with twenty five years experience in systems administration, computer programming, requirements gathering, customer service, and technical support.